36. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the statement of financial position and in the cash flow statement 31 December 2016 31 December 2015
Balances with the central bank 1) 17 1,560 1)
Cash in hand and at bank 2,956 2) 880
Total cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the statement of financial position and in the cash flow statement 2,973 2,440

1) The amount concerns the obligatory reserve maintained by Alior Bank at the current account in NBP, whose amount is in compliance with the Monetary Policy Council decisions. The drop occurring between the periods presented results from allocating a part of the funds on term deposit.

2) A growth in cash balance as at 31 December 2016 results from trade strategy for liquidity of the portfolio denominated in EUR, for which a decision was made to leave the cash on the current bank account due to unprofitability of making deposits with negative interest.

Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement

The consolidated cash flow statement includes Prevention Funds as cash not available for use. Pursuant to Polish laws and the internal regulations adopted by the PZU Group entities on their basis, such funds may be used for strictly specified purposes relating to prevention activities only and provided that full control is exercised over such funds in prevention activities.

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