39.2 Technical provisions – life insurance

Change in life insurance provision – insurance contracts 1 January–31 December 2016 1 January–31 December 2015
  gross reinsurers' share own share gross reinsurers' share own share
Opening balance 16,606 - 16,606 16,722 - 16,722
Increase (decrease) in provisions related to current year policies 316 - 316 434 - 434
Increase (decrease) in provisions related to prior year policies (668) - (668) (527) - (527)
Foreign exchange differences - - - (23) - (23)
Closing balance 16,254 - 16,254 16,606 - 16,606

Gross change in life unit-linked insurance provision 1 January–31 December 2016 1 January–31 December 2015
  gross reinsurers' share own share gross reinsurers' share own share
Opening balance 4,744 - 4,744 4,425 - 4,425
Increases in the fund due to premiums 956 - 956 966 - 966
Payments deducted from the fund for risk, administration and other (91) - (91) (90) - (90)
Revenue from the fund’s investments 131 - 131 (3) - (3)
Decreases in the fund due to claims, redemptions, etc. (799) - (799) (538) - (538)
Other decreases (24) - (24) (16) - (16)
Closing balance 4,917 - 4,917 4,744 - 4,744

Gross change in provisions for outstanding claims 1 January–31 December 2016 1 January–31 December 2015
  gross reinsurers' share own share gross reinsurers' share own share
Opening balance 558 - 558 512 - 512
Provisions for claims applied during the year (562) - (562) (564) - (564)
Provisions for claims created during the year 546 - 546 610 - 610
Closing balance 542 - 542 558 - 558

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